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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tool 2: Using PLNs

I think as i'm getting more aquainted to this whole blogging thing, I'm starting to warm up to it. I've been browsing through other people's blogs and seeing how this could be a very useful tool in the whole teaching/learning process. Blogging is a great way for teachers to share resources. Especially now looking at some of my other colleague's blogs and how much more familiar they are with technology than I am, I'm realizing that I there will be a lot of useful resources at my fingertips. It will be really nice for teachers to blog about lessons and ideas and to recieve feedback from other teachers. This could break down a lot of walls between teachers when it comes to sharing information, thoughts, resources, or ideas. I think it's great, and I'm now pretty excited about it!

I'm scared of being a "lurker"...for some reason that word has a very scary conotation to me. I'm going to have to make a conscious effort to contribute to other people's blogs. I guess I'll start now :)