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Tuesday, August 10, 2010


WOOOHOOOO!! Done, done, and done!!

As much as I enjoyed this, I'm really relieved that it's over. I feel like I learned a lot and was able to get very aquainted with some great tools. I'm excited to apply them in my classroom.

My favorite tool was the photo-story. I feel like I will use that a lot. I really like to share photos and so I'm excited to put them into their own little story. I expressed on that tool how excited I am to make social stories for my kids. They are going to love it and I know I will love using it.

This has really opened my eyes to how much is available to me. I wasn't even aware that 95% of these websites were available. Now I know that there are plenty of websites that I can safely go to and utilitze on a daily basis.

I look forward to applying my newly found knowledge to my classroom. This actually ended up being a really good thing for me. Now I just need to go back and use it all!

Tool 11

Obviously, we are moving quickly into the technology era, and unlike a "fad," this one is here to stay. If we are going to teach our children how to be good citizens in the world (example: how to be well behaved in public), then we should teach them how to be good citizens when it comes to the technology world (how to behave well in a digital society). There are way more than 3 important things one should learn when it comes to digital citizenship. I'm only going to touch on 3, however.

1. Be safe!!! Be aware of the information you are giving out over the web. Having an interaction with someone over the internet is much different than having a face-to-face interaction. You can't see with your own eyes! Be careful about what information you are giving out. You can never be sure who you are talking to or what their intentions are. Also, your information can easily be copied and transmitted to others. Do not give out addresses, account numbers, or anything else that you might consider personal and could potentially put you or someone else in harm. This one is very important!!!

2. Research responsibly. Understand what the internet is and how it works. Check sources. Don't just rely on one source to give you all the information you need. More than likely, there is more than one credible source when it comes to researching a certain topic. Take advantage of the information at your fingertips. We are very lucky to live in an age where we aren't dependent on going to the library. We can conduct research from just about anywhere now.

3. It's borrowing. Not stealing. Make sure you give credit to the appropriate sources. Don't plagerize...there are lots of laws out there and what might not seem illegal can be if you are stealing credit from someone else.

Teaching digital citizenship could be great character ed activities. They can also be easily integrated into any lesson that involves technology.

Tool 10

I have an ipod that I use only for music. I've been thinking I really wanted and Iphone and now I want one more than ever. I can't believe phones are so technologically advanced. It's like you can walk around with a fully functioning computer in your hand all day. I'm way behind on the technology bandwagon.

I have gotten my hands on a friend's Ipad and it was amazing. I'd like one of those too, please.

These are great devices for students because number one: they are mobile. They are easily accessible. Students can remain in their own work space. Also, they are interesting. Students will really enjoy using devices like this. Apple also makes it very easy to navigate. The touch screens are very easy to use and the icons are easy for the kids to understand.

Some applications that I liked were:
ABC phonics animals
Sign Language
210 Human Body Facts
Read Me Stories
Math Drills Lite
Rubiks Cube

Tool 9

Skype is a great way to stay connected with people. I use it pretty regularly now as a way to keep in touch with friends, but have never integrated into the classroom. It would be a great way for students to demonstrate learning or for teachers to share lessons and ideas with other teachers. It would be really great to be able to connect the students accross the state, country, or even world. Wouldn't it be awesome if they could see or chat with a student over in China?

Jing would be great because it can be pre-recorded and then sent off. A teacher could record a lesson and then send it to another teacher across the world, or vice versa. Haven't we come such a long way from just normal phone conversations?

Tool 8

The videos I used were both found on youtube. Youtube is still the easiest site for me to navigate around. I looked at the other sites and feel like I need more time than I have right now to look around and find useful videos. I'm happy I am aware of the other sites now, so that I can use them in the future. I actually really liked teachertube.

Tool 7

Wow!!! I loved this tool. My mind is already going crazy thinking about all of the possibilities and how much I can use this. This is a great idea for social stories. Now i just need to use my digital camera a bit more.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Tool 6

Wikis are great ways for students to work together and collaborate. The website about ideas for using wiki's in the classroom seemed very helpful. It gave me lots of great ideas to expand on writing activities. I especially love the ideas for students writing stories, writer's workshops, and poetry workshops. What a great way to eliminate the giant notepad and allow student's to use the technology available to them. This would be great especially for special ed student's who have difficulty putting their ideas on paper.

Tool 5

I used diigo to find new websites. There were a lot of great websites that I was able to access just by typing in a few words. I was able to see which websites were the most popular, and view comments on them. This was very interesting.

I"m really excited about these websites. They are tools for special needs students. The first website breaks down each specific disability and offers a variety of websites, teching tips, and activities for students with specific learning disabilities. This is a great tool for those who are not as aware on how to educate to the specific needs of the students in their classroom. The next website is especially useful for all of those little ones in our classroom who require a lot visual supports. I've used this website a lot and it has become one of my best friends. Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers could find a lot of great resources (including visual schedules, reinforcement ideas, behavior charts, social stories)...really it's a great asset to have. With inclusion becoming more and more active in our schools, these could both be great tools for not only a special educator, but a general ed teacher. It's obviously not just me who works with these kids, but mainly the general ed teachers. If anyone has time take a look at these two websites. They could be very useful for all of us!

Tool 4

Google Docs is a good way to save information and share your documents with others. It eliminates saving on zip drives, and if you are anything like me, this is a blessing. I definitely know how horrible it is to save something on your zip drive and then not be able to find that tiny little thing when you need it the most. Worst feeling! This way the document is uploaded and all you need is an account to have it at your fingertips whenever/wherever. Great!! I was able to share a great document that has been useful for me over my past 2 years. What a nice way to collaborate with others.

It will be interesting to see what the other blogs are like.

Tool 3

I really enjoyed this tool! I had a little trouble figuring out how to actually get it on my blog, but thanks to the help of one of my trusty colleague (Ashley Love), I finally got it. This is great, and it was so easy. It will be really fun and creative to use with the kids. Using tools like this is especially catchy to me because it's appealing to the eye. I need a little color to keep my attention.

For the "Shadow Oaks" at the top I used Flikr. It was super easy. It would be great for word study lessons or practicing spelling words. So many great literacy lessons could come from using something like this.

My next little project was done using Big Huge Labs. I chose a motivator poster. I'm really excited because I finally get to use my favorite picture ever. I've been dying for this picture to make it's break into the world, and what better way than to post it on the internet? This is a picture of my Mom, my dog, Pax, and I on Christmas. Pax is very intellegent. He loves to read. He chose to read a book that he could relate to, so he picked a book titled "Boxer," since Pax is a white boxer. So as you can see, Pax picked a "just right book" and made a text to self connection. He's one of my favorite students!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tool 2: Using PLNs

I think as i'm getting more aquainted to this whole blogging thing, I'm starting to warm up to it. I've been browsing through other people's blogs and seeing how this could be a very useful tool in the whole teaching/learning process. Blogging is a great way for teachers to share resources. Especially now looking at some of my other colleague's blogs and how much more familiar they are with technology than I am, I'm realizing that I there will be a lot of useful resources at my fingertips. It will be really nice for teachers to blog about lessons and ideas and to recieve feedback from other teachers. This could break down a lot of walls between teachers when it comes to sharing information, thoughts, resources, or ideas. I think it's great, and I'm now pretty excited about it!

I'm scared of being a "lurker"...for some reason that word has a very scary conotation to me. I'm going to have to make a conscious effort to contribute to other people's blogs. I guess I'll start now :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Starting my blog

Well I guess it's time to get back to work! I've been enjoying my summer so much I almost forgot all about this inservice. My summer has been filled with sleep, sleep, and more sleep. It's been amazing! So I haven't really had a lot of time on my hands to think about this thing.

I had a little bit of anxiety about starting this blog because I couldn't figure out the title. I guess as I get more involved in the whole blogging process, a more creative title will come to me. Until then, my boring one will have to do.